Planting trees is a broadly used climate change mitigation activity. Afforestation and Reforestation (A/R) can be led by the public authorities, the private sector, or the civil society. Governments can commit to a certain amount of trees planted over the country in international conventions. Agroforestry is an increasing response for adaptation to climate change. All those activities are increasing the tree cover of countries and the carbon stocks.
Mostly the challenge is to coordinate and monitor all those activities. Where do A/R activities take place, what is their extent, and their impact? Was the planting of trees a success? How many hectares have been planted last year? Is the country close to fulfilling its commitment? Often, it is difficult to get an answer to these questions.
Plan the A/R and agroforestry areas
Attribute the areas to an organization that is in charge
Monitor the progress on a map
Verify on the field, the effectiveness and the survival rate of the planted trees
Share information with stakeholders, donors, or the population
Produce statistics on A/R, like planted areas /tree species/year
Map other areas of interests in A/R areas, like springs, streams, or high biodiversity hot spots to be conserved
ProMS is a highly flexible system that can be tailor-made to meet the individual needs of your organization. The various information layers and data visualization can be changed to suit specific processes.
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